With theadvent of technology we have seen a sudden drift in the use of tiny householditems superseded by advanced technologies. This is the same in the case of toys for our new born infants as well as our small kids. As our kids grow they needa mode of recreation which can make them happy eventually leading to making their mind and body healthy. At such a young age it is a must for every child to play with toys and build proper understanding of surroundings.
But we haveseen that in recent times, kids at a very small age are addicted to smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices which are not only harmful for their eyes and body but also inhibiting their mental and physical growth .This is why a toy safety checklist is must to follow Use of video games, and other battery operated toys makes our kids addicted to them and also hinders their interaction with others . They are marketed in such a way that parents get hoodwinked and start believing that these toys will help them in learning and educational platforms but it is not the true case .
It becomesthe responsibility of every parent to have a prior check on the toys which theyare providing to their child . A particular criteria should be followed for buying toys for their kids . Here is a toy buying guide which can help you:
- For Infants: Things which they can hold easily and are not too heavy, which can amusethem easily like big rings, squeeze toys, soft dolls etc. Moreover, we can also provide them with books with nursery rhymes and unbreakable mirrors.
- For Older infants: They can be provided with things like small cars, large toys, wooden toys, rubber toys.
- For kindergarteners : Here we can give them puzzles , some toys involving shapes and mathematics , toys which include creating new things, picture books with details and other information .
In this way we can provide appropriate toys to our kids according to our age which will help their proper overall development . We can haveeasy access to many nearby stores for getting suitable toys . Infact, there aremany such stores which provide toys on rent for our kids for a particular period of time and later you can easilyreturn them according to your convenience . In Ahmedabad we have a large number of stores which gives us such a facility . Here we can get a variety of disney, barbie, funskool toys for our kids.
Toys on rent in Ahmedabad can be found at:
● Toy Mahal Services LLP
● Hire Hub
● Toys safari
● The Toy Shop etc.
And manymore such services are there where you can contact them easily and can get your kid’s favorite toys on rent at your doorstep. Although youmay have been a smart person throughout your life but now you have to be smartparents too for your kids. So choose wisely and make your child happy and healthy.